Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Buy Point and Click Coaching!

As Close To Point and Click As It Gets!

When you think of the phrase "point and click" you think " GREAT! I don't have to do anything except maybe move a cursor around a screen and push the button to make something happen." At least that's what I thought. And that's what I was looking for. I didn't know much about maybe the internet.....but I knew there were lots of people making lots of money....and I wanted to be one of them.

I decided to buy Lee McIntyre's " Point and  Click Coaching" program.......and I'm glad I did!

Before I was allowed to start the course, I was instructed to view all 8 of the videos of his "Upside Down/Inside Out" workshop. It was a bit overwhelming for a newbie like me, but it got me used to Lee's teaching style.....and his Manchester accent. Oh, and it also filled my head with some of the terms that I want to learn more about later in the course. Terms like traffic, automation, and backlinks
A word about Lee's teaching style: INFORMAL. How many times have you tried to learn something new, but the presenter was too "stuffy", or "know-it-all" to hold your attention? Not Lee! A former high school teacher in the U.K., Lee delivers the content in an amusing manner, yet detailed enough to to leave you convinced that even you can do it!

The "Point and Click Coaching" program is NOT "point and click"......you actually have to do something.
But here's the thing.......do you want to pay for something and only get what you paid for? Or would you appreciate added value for your purchase? In this case, the added value is the "Upside Down/Inside Out" workshop videos, a $1997 value, and a new skill set that you can repeat countless times in any internet marketing business as you develop your income stream.

Buy Lee McIntyre's " Point and Click Coaching ."

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